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Free Holiday Gift Questionnaire

By November 19, 2019No Comments

I don’t know about you, but my kids change their minds on what they like and don’t like very frequently. What they liked three months ago might no longer be the case today.

So, a few years ago we started having the kids fill out a simple holiday questionnaire before Thanksgiving sometime, just so we could stay on top of what their current interests were and hopefully have a better idea of the type of gifts to give them for Christmas.

The questionnaire is a fun way for me to keep up with their current favorites and has really helped me when I start planning out my gifts for them. It’s also an easy way to share information with grandparents who are also brainstorming what to get them for Christmas.

My kids are still pretty young, so I like knowing what their favorite characters are for pajamas and things. I also like to know favorite colors and candy for stocking stuffer ideas, because a lot of times I get the same items in different colors for the kids. We are big into books and games, so I like to know what they’re interested in that way too.

We’ve also been trying to start gifting experiences so it’s been fun to see what the kids favorite things are to do with mom and dad, and what their favorite hobbies are.

Last but not least, I like to ask the kids what their top 3 holiday traditions are. Not only is this fun for me to read their favorite things we do, but it helps me navigate the busy holiday season. By only focusing on a few traditions at a time, it helps me prioritize activities for the holidays and know which ones we can probably cut if we are overbooked.

Download your own free version HERE. Enjoy!

Michelle Rognon

Author Michelle Rognon

Michelle is the CEO of Rognon Project. She works part-time as a college teacher and is a full-time mama to 4 beautiful children.

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